Kodykoala Customs

KodyKoala's Custom Animal Crossing Qees
I have finally gotten around to taking pictures of a lot of things I have been working on, so I am hoping to be able to post one new thing everyday for the rest of this week. Here are my custom Animal Crossing Qees. The 2.5" Tom Nook was actually a spur of the moment idea, but I think it came out pretty cool, and it complements the 8" egg Qee quite nice. I have a bunch of pictures of the finished product on My Flickr Page. I love the way it came out, and I am really starting to like painting scenes on vinyls.

KodyKoala's Custom Mario Figures
Here is my latest custom of Mario, Princess Peach and Toad action figures. They look a little creepy, and the Princess ended up being a little too albino, but I think they were decent for only my second attempts at action figures. The Princess was the hardest, because I had to get the face just right, and I don't think I did a great job, but for now it will do. Check out the rest of the pics at My Flickr Page. Figures used: Mini-Me from Austin Powers, WWE Diva Layla, and an ECW Tazz figure.

KodyKoala's Custom Airman Figure
Here is my custom Airman figure. A couple of weeks ago, a video showed up on youtube that showed someone who made one from a Gundam model and an electric motor. I couldn't afford the parts to recreate his efforts, so I decided to try to make one with thing that I had lying around the house, which happened to be a crap load of Lego bricks. Using Mighty Putty and super glue, I was able to create this figure. Check out all the pictures at My Flickr Page

KodyKoala's Hammer Mario Custom Munny
I have actually had the Mario finished for a while now, but it has taken me a while to get the hammers made. I thought the Munny form well suited Mario in this form. Not much to say about this except that I made the hammers from scratch, which was a real pain. I used acrylic paint, mighty putty for the hammers, epoxy putty for the Mario sculpt, and an old plastic Easter egg for the shell. Check out more pictures at My Flickr Page.

KodyKoala's Custom Luigi Action Figure
Here is my latest custom, a Luigi action figure. I have been wanting to try my hand at making an action figure, but I could not find my inspiration. This is what I think Luigi would look like if her were real and on steroids. I made the overalls, shoes, and mustache from mighty putty. I got the hat from another Luigi figure that I picked up. I know this is a little out of my realm, so any criticism would help me the next time I decide to butcher an action figure...LOL. Check out more pictures on My Flickr Page

KodyKoala's Custom Koala Munny Teddy
I have posted this on a bunch of message boards, but I just realized I forgot to post it here. Here is KodyKoala's Halloween Costume. He told me he wanted to be a little green Martian, so I made him into one. I was fortunate enough to get the Munny Teddy Bear, and so I converted it into a Koala. This is one of my first times that I used Mighty Putty, and I must say that I love it. It sands a lot easier than epoxy putty. I am hoping to make a new version of Kody every year, but it depends on how my schedule looks. For more pictures, check out My Flickr Site

KodyKoala's Mega Man Mighty Mugg
I have finally finished my first Mighty Mugg! I have had this drawn out for months, but I never got around to actually making him. This was a little interesting because I didn't know how to take the arms and head off until I was more than half way done, so I just left it all on and painted around it. It came out very nice, and I can't wait to do my next one. If you want to check out more pictures, you can see them at My Flickr Page

Kodykoala's Custom Yoshi's Island Munny
Here is the next Munny in my collection of customs. I wanted to get away from character munnys and actually try a scene on a munny. I was trying to push myself to try something a lot more detailed than my Toad or Piranha Plant Munnys. I love the way it came out, and I will be doing a lot more of these when I get a chance. As always, constructive criticism is always appreciated. If you want to see more pic, head on over to my flickr to see bigger pics.

Kodykoala's Custom Koala Crash Soopa and Animation
Here is my latest Soopa Coin-up Bros. Custom. I combined my love on animation, koalas, electronics, video games and vinyls into one compact little piece. Check out the pictures on My Flickr. I used an old Gameboy Advance SP that I had lying around and an EZFLASH III. I think it came out very well, even though the video is a little grainy. I am going to post the actual cartoon on my website or on youtube eventually.

Kodykoala's Custom Homestarrunner Soopa
Check out my latest custom Soopa/Munny. I made a custom Bubs Munny, and then I made the Soopa to be his concession stand. It took me a while to get the idea together, but I think it came out great. The hardest part was probably figuring out what to make the counter top out of. Check out pictures of my Bubs Munny and my Bubs' Concession Stand