Wario the Great sees all and tells all. Ask him about love, money, or luck and he will always tell you that no matter what....he is the winner.
I made this using a boardwalk bank and a Wario vinyl figure. I textured the cabinet and painted it to look like and old school fortune teller machine. This is the first time that I have actually wire up electronics in a custom, and I like the way it works. The crystal ball lights up and Wario says one phrase... He is going to win... what else would you expect him to say, he is not a real fortune teller. The sound is crackly, which adds to the effect of making this seem like it is old.
I am actually thinking about making another one to sell, but I am not sure what the demand would be for something like this *shrugs* so I don't know. If you want to see more pictures, go to My Flickr Page.