I know that this has already been posted all over the place, but I wanted to write up the process and why I did what I did. For the torso I used a Mecha Hulk. I got this off ebay, but it was missing the back panel, so I improvised a gas tank using a 5 hour energy bottle and some mighty putty. I used some spare parts for the helmet and the face guard. For the wheels, I used a 1989 GI Joe Pulverizer. I used super glue and mighty putty to connect the two halves together. Gutsdozer originally popped Neo-Mets from his chest, so I thought he needed to have one. For the Neo-Met, I used a Terminator Head cut in half, shoes from a Luigi figure that I had already used to make my Super Mario Custom Figures and an egg from an egg machine. To see more pics, go to My Flickr Page. Here are some more pics in case you didn't want to go to my flickr page :(