After what Princess Peach did to Toad, Toadette has vowed to get even. She has collected a huge arsenal of weapons to tackle any Zombie threat, including the Pink Peach Horror!
As you can see, Toadette is ready for battle, and I couldn't resist making her look like the stereotypic Female Zombie Hunter. Yes, I gave her cleavage. I also tried to give her a post apocalyptic look with the goggles and weapons.
I used a Vinyl Toadette that I got off of Ebay and a bunch of Mario items I had left over from other customs I have done. The Zombie Shelter sign is from Cinda's Etsy Shop. This shop has a lot of cool nostalgic looking signs which are really cool. The concrete tiles are actually Lego 2 x 2 Tiles that were roughed up and painted. I am pretty much only posting this here and Flickr so that I can get some exclusive stuff. I decided not to sell this one because it came out way too awesome!
Lately, I have been trying to sell a custom on Ebay about once every two-three weeks, so keep an eye out here for new items on sale. To See more pictures, go to My Flick Page.